
Installing scikits.learn

There are different ways to get scikits.learn installed:

  • Install the version of scikits.learn provided by your operating system distribution . This is the quickest option for those who have operating systems that distribute scikits.learn.
  • Install an official release. This is the best approach for users who want a stable version number and aren’t concerned about running a slightly older version of scikits.learn.
  • Install the latest development version. This is best for users who want the latest-and-greatest features and aren’t afraid of running brand-new code.

Installing an official release

Easy install

This is usually the fastest way to install the latest stable release. If you have pip or easy_install, you can install or update with the command:

pip install -U scikits.learn


easy_install -U scikits.learn

for easy_install.

Windows installer

You can download a windows installer from downloads in the project’s web page.

From Source

Download the package from , unpack the sources and cd into archive.

This packages uses distutils, which is the default way of installing python modules. The install command is:

python install

Third party distributions of scikits.learn

Some third-party distributions are now providing versions of scikits.learn integrated with their package-management systems.

These can make installation and upgrading much easier for users since the integration includes the ability to automatically install dependencies (numpy, scipy) that scikits.learn requires.

The following is a list of linux distributions that provide their own version of scikits.learn:

Debian and derivatives (Ubuntu)

The Debian package is named python-scikits-learn and can be install using the following commands with root privileges:

apt-get install python-scikits-learn

Bleeding Edge

See section Retriving the latest code on how to get the development version.